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About Arise Athletics


After losing 30lbs, Esther is passionate about helping fellow busy Mommas lose weight and learn to care for themselves so they can then better care for and love their families. As the wife of an active duty USMC Sergeant and mother of a precious 4 year old, Esther is quite busy running her business and managing the household. 


"After getting married, moving in together and having our son all within a few short months I was heavier then I'd ever been, constantly exhasuted, suffering from severe stomach problems and cried in my Doctors office when he sweetly suggested I try to lose some weight. After I decided to try his suggestions I never looked back!


Slowly my body responded with healthy weight loss, better sleep, less stress and irritability, and my stomach problems became non-existant. A few months later my husband recieved 30 days notice of being deployed for 8 months and I can truly say fitness saved my life during that time- the stress relief and focus on caring for myself so I could care for my son and full time job were priceless. Very thankful to be where I am now and LOVE taking you fellow Mommas on the journey with me!"

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